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  • Can Axert 6.25mg Help with Chronic Migraines? Understanding Its Effectiveness

Can Axert 6.25mg Help with Chronic Migraines? Understanding Its Effectiveness


Migraines can be debilitating and often lead anyone to lose their quality of life. People who suffer from migraines oftentimes are in search of a way to ease the pain and confusion that accompanies this illness. Migraines are a relatively common disease that affects around 15% of the worldwide population. The most common misconception is that migraines are just a headache, which is untrue. Migraines are a condition or a syndrome encompassing other symptoms such as sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, and vertigo. In this blog, we will be traversing the terrain of migraines. We will be talking about the different types of migraines, ways to manage them, and how Axert 6.25 mg tablets can play an important role in regaining control over your time and life while living with chronic migraines.


Can Axert 6.25mg Help with Chronic Migraines? Understanding Its Effectiveness


What are Chronic Migraines?

Chronic migraines are far less common, a condition that affects only about 1% to 2.2% of the people in the world. People who have high-frequency episodic migraines are at a relatively higher risk for developing chronic migraine than people who may experience it at a lower frequency. For a migraine to be classified as a chronic condition, your symptoms must meet a few parameters, such as:

  • The migraines should be present for at least 15 days a month and should have 8 days where the symptoms include more than a headache.

  • This condition should last for about 3 months.

How can Axert 6.25mg Help with Chronic Migraines?

Axert 6.25mg tablets contain Almotriptan as its primary active ingredient. This medication is used to treat migraines with or without an aura. It works by constricting blood vessels and preventing the misfiring of neurons, which alleviates symptoms of a migraine. It is important to note that this medication is used only to relieve headaches before they begin and not as a daily medication. Your doctor decides the dosage of this medication through a meticulous analysis of your condition, history, and response to treatment.

What are the Side Effects of amg?

Using Axert 6.25mg tablets may cause you to experience some common side effects, such as:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Dry mouth

  • Tingling in your limbs or face

  • Dizziness

  • Sleepiness

  • Headache

These side effects usually do not require medical intervention unless they become troublesome or persist even after a period of time.

This medication may also cause some severe side effects, such as the onset of a heart attack, stroke, heart rhythm changes, issues with the circulation of blood, gastrointestinal problems, serotonin syndrome, and hypertension. All these conditions require you to seek immediate medical attention.

What are Some Precautions You Need to Follow While Taking Axert 6.25mg?

It is advised not to take this medication or exercise caution while taking the drug if you have any of the following conditions.

  • Heart rhythm issues

  • Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome

  • Peripheral vascular diseases

  • History of an ischemic attack

  • Coronary artery diseases

  • History of a heart attack or stroke

  • High blood pressure that is not controlled by any medication

You may be closely monitored while taking the medication if you have any of the above diseases.

It is advised to read the ingredient list before you buy migraine medication online, as it may contain certain inactive substances that can cause an allergic reaction. Call your local emergency number immediately if you have an allergic reaction to the medication.

It is usually not recommended to take a second dose of this medication within two hours of taking the first dose. Make sure that these doses are equally spread out.

What Goes on Inside Your Body During a Migraine?

To understand how migraine medications work, we must also understand what happens inside our bodies with the onset of a migraine.

Neurological changes:

While the cause of migraines is unknown, they are usually thought to begin with abnormal activity in the brain that leads to the misfiring of neurons and abnormal chemical signaling in the nerves. A wave of electrical activity is often produced in the brain, which is termed cortical spreading depression and is also a known trigger of migraines. This causes all the neurological symptoms, such as flashing lights.

Blood vessel changes:

Other changes that may occur during migraines are the vasodilation and vasoconstriction of blood vessels. This causes the throbbing pain that you experience during an episode of migraines.

Other Changes:

The brainstem, which is responsible for processes such as nausea and vomiting, is also affected during a migraine, which misfires sometimes and makes you vomit for no reason.

What are the Stages of a Migraine?

Each migraine has about four stages that a person experiences:

  • Prodome: This is the phase that you go through right before the onset of migraine, where you can feel subtle changes in your sensations that let you know that a migraine is forthcoming.

  • Aura: This is the phase of the migraine that you experience before the headache where all your senses seem very sensitive, and you often have symptoms such as flashing lights.

  • Headache: The headache stage of the migraine usually lasts the longest and is accompanied by a moderate to severe headache around the back of one eye or in a band around your head and temples. These headaches are often excruciating and lead a person not to be able to do anything while it goes on.

  • Postdrome: The postdrome or a migraine hangover is the stage where a person feels the aftereffects of the condition. Symptoms may include fatigue, body aches, dizziness or tiredness, difficulty concentrating, and sensitivity to light and sound.

What are Some Other Types of Migraines?

Menstrual Migraine:

As the name suggests, menstrual migraines occur about 2 days before the menstrual phase of a female and three days after. This kind of migraine usually does not have an aura.

Silent Migraine:

A silent migraine does not include a headache and lasts about 20-30 minutes. These usually contain aura symptoms such as vomiting, flashing lights, and other neurological symptoms without the ones that are caused by blood vessel dilation, such as headaches.

Vestibular Migraine:

A vestibular migraine is more focused on the symptoms of vertigo, motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting. It may or may not be accompanied with or without a headache. It occurs in individuals that have a history of motion sickness.

Some other kinds of migraines that also affect us are abdominal migraines, hemiplegic migraines, ocular migraines, status migrainosus, migraines with brainstem aura, and ophthalmoplegic migraines.

How to Manage Your Life With Chronic Migraines?

Learn and track your triggers:

You can learn and be aware of your triggers for migraine by tracking their frequency and activities before occurrence through an app or journal. One can also learn to manage and avoid triggers if possible and be mentally ready for a migraine episode. Please do not shy away from taking generic migraine relief tablets, as they can significantly improve your quality of life. Have open and healthy communication with your doctor over symptoms that you may have.

Build a Community:

It is essential to talk to others who have this condition as it may provide a sense of relief and a new perspective to manage your life around this condition.


Anyone who has chronic migraine can agree that it can be a crippling disease that severely affects your mental, social, and physical well-being. However, with the right kind of medication and awareness about your condition, it can be managed to a great extent, giving you back control of your life and not forcing you to close yourself up in a dark room till the pain fades away. It is necessary to receive help in these conditions from medical professionals, family, and the community concerned. Small changes can make significant differences in a person’s life.


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