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  • Foods that can help improve your digestion

Foods that can help improve your digestion


Let’s begin by defining what actually digestion is. ‘Digestion’ is a process in which the body breaks down food into nutrients. During the breakdown process, your body unlocks vitamins, minerals, calories, fats and proteins that are important for your system and efficiently clean sweep the rest.

However, indigestion can sometimes be a pain due to the symptoms that it causes, such as; heartburn, flatulence, nausea, acidity. Being a common problem, combating from it can sometimes turn out to be horrific once it becomes chronic. Poor digestion can lead to a poor immune system.


Foods that can help improve your digestion

Now coming back to why people suffer from digestion problems. As discussed above, the body uses the nutrients from the food we consume for energy, growth and cellular repair, however, an individual’s digestive process goes awry when they start eating foods that disagree with them or when one overeats. Food that disagrees with your system can include dairy products, as it contains lactose, this condition is called lactose malabsorption. The manifestation caused by this includes; bloating, diarrhea, gas, nausea or vomiting and stomach upset. An alternative to these is non-dairy products, such as; soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, and coconut milk. One can always opt for an alternative option if they know what product or food item is bad for their digestion.

Albeit, there are many preventive measures one can adapt to avoid digestion problems, like avoiding what doesn’t suit their system, quit eating unhealthy food or overeating.

Apart from this, there are many digestive pills too that are easily available in the market. These medications function by neutralizing the excessive acid formed in your stomach, which can trigger acid reflux. However, these pills just give you short term relief and do not address the actual or real cause.

Therefore, if you want to fight chronic indigestion, changing your eating habits is the first and foremost thing. Including some special food in your daily diet can permanently resolve the problem of indigestion.

So, let’s have a look at some of the special superfoods that can help get rid of this problem.


Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a plant and also a widely popular and famous natural healing agent and has many benefits when it comes to either digestion, weight loss, or even skincare. It is said that aloe vera juice can be a great digestive agent as it soothes the digestive system.


Oatmeal: Oatmeal is one of the best anytime snack as it is considered to digest very easily. So, apart from being healthy, it solves digestion problems too.


Melon: With a pH level of 6.1, melon is considered good for acid reflux. It contains citrulline that helps in maintaining acid levels in the stomach. Apart from melon, honeydew, watermelon are also some great fruits that help decrease acid reflux and heartburns.


Fennel: This ingredient has been a long-used spice to treat gas, stomach cramps, acidity as well as indigestion. It not only improves stomach functioning but also eases indigestion problems.


Ginger: Ginger again has had a great history and till date is considered the best treatment for gastrointestinal conditions as well as anti-inflammation.


Hot water: One of the best and easiest way to relieve indigestion is by sipping or drinking hot water. Sipping it will soothe many kinds of digestive discomforts.


However, apart from all of the above food items, there are many other foods that help in the digestion of food. So, find out what suits you the best and get rid of indigestion.


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